
My Life and your life are maktoob, just do the best for The One who write it

Exam, roller coaster, and still willing to hope!

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Being so busy with exam thingy. Exam in Imarat and Exam in MEDIU. It may takes a month to complete all this exams (or maybe less than a month).

Puff, my feeling is kinda unwell. Not really know what is happen. Just like wanna cry :p Oh dear, big girl!
I don't know what is hapeen around me, it may be sumthin or even nothing happen. Only a feeling that goes like a roller coaster.
And suddenly, i remember a friend from my past. Are you ok, there? Is something happen to you?

Huff.. Ok then, leave that feeling!
Talk about busy with exam. I have so many things to do. And the things stuck on me! Erkss..
Wanna pack a niqab and gloves for my lovely sister in Samarinda, and have to send an abaya payment to lovely "mother" in Lembang, also have to send books for friend in Jakarta. What else?? Aaah.. Search and print MEDIU scholarship information for akhawaat in Imarat. I haven't do it yet! Exaaaaam!

Exam isn't over yet. At least 'till mid of May. After that, 3 months to go to graduate from Imarat, insha' Allah. And really feel free to do anything new. Another better day, i hope.

So, i leave this writing with my roller coaster feeling, a dizziness of thinking, and huge hope.
Ya Allah, help me


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