Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem
Alhamdulillah, walhamdulillah walhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah, walhamdulillah walhamdulillah.
Nothing to say for today, except alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah. Alhamdulillah i passed my test. Insha' Allah i will go back to ma3had this Monday. Can't wait to study there again. But yeah, i'm thinking 'about Wafa, my daughter. I think it's impossible to take her to Ma3had. The distance just too far away. But also it's so heavy to leave her at home with my mom. I just can't imagine to pass the day without her. I love her, so much. Wanna be with her in everytime i have. May Allah guide me to the right feeling of mom's love.
This semester will be my last semester insha' Allah. Since Feb 2008, finally i will finished my lesson. It's a long journey though.
It's a bit boring to always take undergraduate program and never finished it. lol
I took Accounting program and ended until diploma grade, i took Arabic program with no title, and now i'm taking Qur'an Science program and still struggle with it. A bit tired, pheew..
One of my friends said, i should feel happy for it. At least, i still doing something good for me and others. I'm busy with something good and not waste my time in something useless. Alhamdulillah.
Talk about lesson, btw. I realized that i rarely use my Arabic since take a break from Ma3had. I also didn't practice my English. So, what did i do? dang..!!
One of my friends came here, came to this blog i mean. She also invite me to join to the sister blogger. The group of sister that writing in blogger. I feel like woot?
I do write in my blog just to practice in English. To share my sentences that i know so many mistakes inside :p
For the first time, i didn't want to share this blog to others. But then i realized, i do must share it to sister overseas. Just to ask their help to correct me.
Puff, so many homework for me. Learn, learn, learn. Study, study, study. Practice, practice, practice, and enjoy my progress insha' Allah
This semester will be my last semester insha' Allah. Since Feb 2008, finally i will finished my lesson. It's a long journey though.
It's a bit boring to always take undergraduate program and never finished it. lol
I took Accounting program and ended until diploma grade, i took Arabic program with no title, and now i'm taking Qur'an Science program and still struggle with it. A bit tired, pheew..
One of my friends said, i should feel happy for it. At least, i still doing something good for me and others. I'm busy with something good and not waste my time in something useless. Alhamdulillah.

One of my friends came here, came to this blog i mean. She also invite me to join to the sister blogger. The group of sister that writing in blogger. I feel like woot?
I do write in my blog just to practice in English. To share my sentences that i know so many mistakes inside :p
For the first time, i didn't want to share this blog to others. But then i realized, i do must share it to sister overseas. Just to ask their help to correct me.
Puff, so many homework for me. Learn, learn, learn. Study, study, study. Practice, practice, practice, and enjoy my progress insha' Allah
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