
My Life and your life are maktoob, just do the best for The One who write it

Make a new blog? Ahmm...

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

It's been a long time, i didn't write in this blog. Actually i really want to write many thing! And I'm thinking to make a new blog? What??? Another blog? lol
Yes, i do really want to write many thing. Like, what i did, what i planned, my thoughts, etc. But i have to write it in English in this blog. No excuse.. That's make me so lazy to write, hehe. I don't want to think too much just to write what i did. Is English a barrier?

Well, of course i will face difficulties in this writing. Of course..!!
Just like what i said, i'm not an English native speaker, and i also don't take an English course.
I don't have to run from this problem, just facing it! Solve it!
If i can't do this, then learn! Don't run..

So now i think, i don't need another blog. I have this blog, a lil bit private then my family blog. This is my blog, i can write whatever i want to write. The rule is just i have to write in English, and ooh.. Arabic is allowed.

Ok then my self, have a good language learning.. ^^

ومن فضائل سورة الإخلاص العجيبة

أن من قرأها عشر مرات، بنى له الله قصـراً في الجنة، ومن اسـتكثر فالله أكثر وأطيب

أن من دعا بما تضمنته من أسماء، فقد دعا الله باسمه الأعظم، الذي إذا سئل به أعطى، وإذا دعي به أجاب

أن أحد الصحابة، واسمه معاوية بن معاوية، كان يقرؤها قائماً وقاعداً وراكباً وماشياً. فلما توفي، نزل جبريل في سبعين ألفاً من الملائكة، ووضع جناحه على الجبال فتواضعت؛ فصلى عليه النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وهو بتبوك ومعه الملائكة عليهم السلام

كان النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقرأ بها في ركعة الوتر، وربما أضاف إليها المعوذتين

أنها تعدل ثلث القرآن؛ وقد بلغ الحديث بذلك حد التواتر عند المحققين من أهل العلم

Text for the third grade students

Hello, my name is Siska
I am the third grade student
There are six classrooms, a library room and a canteen at my school
I am in the canteen now
I am hungry
I want to eat fried rice
My friends, Rio and Andre are thirsty
Rio wants to drink a glass of strawberry juice
Andre wants to drink a tin of Coca Cola

So, the new vocabularies for Inas, Lutfi and Irvan are
- Third
- Grade
- Hungry
- Fried
- Thirsty
- Tin

Afternoon lesson for elementary school students, Jan 4th 2011

Have or has

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillah, just finished my elementary class today. Well, i know (in fact) my english isn't very good. Some native said that my english is okay, so i started to teach some simple sentences in english.

So today i teach my student how to use have or has in sentences. They are just children btw, still confuse how and when to use have or has.

I searched on internet the article that can explain this lesson better.
And i found this
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